Saturday, November 17, 2012


I open the door.
Eight months
seems like Yesterday.
Yesterday is there for her too.

We both talk and laugh,
keenly aware of
the underlying tension
living there in the laughter of friends.

“Stage Three kidney failure,”
she adds casually, like we do,
“there are only Two more
after this.”

I listen as she recounts
the last Five years
to the stranger in the room
I smile and I cry.

Living and dying
off these four walls
and these three hearts.

I’m so exquisitely
intertwined in
this minute
this moment

I am folded into her
deeply aware
of the powerful witness
I am honored to be

and today.

For my friend, JC (not Jesus Christ! You know who you are!)
Thank you. November 17th 2012.

(I had to take a break from my OryCon lessons to post something about my day with a dear friend today)

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