Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Historial Blog entries

I can't import my blog from myspace so I will just take a few of the important ones and post them here - starting with the most recent. Happy reviewing.

Monday, July 30, 2007

a new phone and Identity theft

My husband made me buy a new cell phone. I know...I know my phone was shit but I don't like the NEW phones. I asked the guy "what phone do you have that is the closest to MY phone?"

He took a look....hid a smile and said "none!!!"

I don't need a cam phone.
I don't need super tiny.
I don't need 459 gigs of photo storage space on my phone. Isn't that why we have ...ahem COMPUTERS?!

My husband made me choose one anyway.

And here he is choosing ring tones for me- WHY? Because I have to be "synced" with my ring tone or I'll do what I did tonight when it rang....completely tune it out..."OH thats MY phone? I didn't realize...It's not the one I picked".

I swear that getting a new phone is a 2 week long process...selecting it, buying it, setting up my background, ring tones and figuring out how to access my voice mail....*sigh* THIS is why I have had a 14 year old phone and dreaded walking into "Singular" or now the "NEW AT and T".

While I was there I'm pretty sure "Damien" photo copied my debit card, ID and wrote down my "secret CSV code"....I'm not even trying to be funny here. You'll be reading about the ID Theft ring I busted next week. The guy WROTE DOWN MY 3 digit verification code off my debit card. C'mon...tell me that isn't suspicious!!

I'll keep you posted.

Oh...and we got a new hard drive "HandyCam" ...any one who's used one that can tell me how to get my videos online will earn a brownie point!

One more thing...My friends have stopped leaving comments. Listen I write for you...not here is a friendly public service announcement from Cindy...LEAVE A DAMN COMMENT SO I KNOW YOU READ THE BLOG AT LEAST. *composes herself* ok...Thank you.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Communication people
Current mood: frustrated

I've had it happen before.

I'm blissfully moving through life - enjoying what I think are blossing or growing friendships - then BLAM! That person drops off the face of the earth. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

All the while I'm thinking - what the hell just happened?

Probably a misunderstanding - but when people don't speak up - be honest and communicate their feelings - well friendships die. Some people would rather go slinking off into the night instead of facing someone and speaking their mind.

When this happens (which thankfully hasn't been the case so much recently as in the past) I am left to wonder, fill in the blanks, imagine what may or may not have gone wrong. Most of the time - when it finally gets brought up - my "imaginings" are not even right. Whatever the "thing" is - is usually a misunderstanding of something simple. Someone's assumption or interpretation over something trivial that gets blown out of proportion in their mind.


The world would be a better place if people just weren't afraid to speak their mind, share their views and feelings and SAY something when they feel uncomfortable or offended or WHATever it is to the person they feel they have been wronged by. Then LISTEN to what that person has to say in response. SIMPLE. EASY. NOT stressful.

Can't we just all talk a little more?

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Monday, July 23, 2007

self diagnosis

I'm suffering from informaiton overload. I have my medical degree - from webmd. Why do I feel the need to self-diagnosis my problems - figure out what they are BEFORE going to see a real Dr. ? Do I feel smarter? or does this speak to my fear of the Dr. saying "there is nothing wrong with you - go home and here is a bill...."?

do you self diagnos? Google search after google search, narrowing down the possiblities. Flipping between Google and Yahoo and About. Once I thought I was going to die from Spinal Menengitis because my symptoms were similar! I didn't sleep that night for fear I wasn't going to wake up - sad...sooo very sad.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007


Yesterday we went to Costco. I got a nice bonus at work (from working hard to get it!!) and I chose to get it in the form of Costco cards. While shopping I of course have to scope out the samples....Have you ever gotten a "bad tasting" sample? Some concoction or product that just doesn't belong in a store - ANY store? Yesterday I tried an artichoke dip - that tasted like shit on a cracker! It's bad for the sampler (me) but CAN YOU IMAGINE being the person behind THAT sample booth? To have to keep a straight face, tell people about the product -- luring them to try it - and then watch as they take a bite and the truth comes out? OH, this tastes like crap - Thanks!

I wonder if the "sample" team has a morning meeting where the sample assignment are handed out - does the new girl get the shitty artichoke dip and the "favorite" ass-kiss employee get the cheesecake sample table? Do those sample giver-outers get "graded" on how many samples they give out or how much of that featured product gets sold? Can you get a full sized portion if you TIP the sample guy?

See - aren't you glad you aren't in my brain 24/7?

So thats my story today. I'm tired, crampy and bloated. I'm washing my NEW towels before tucking them neatly away. If you have some "weekend" engergy - send it my way.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

I hate Greyhound and other musings

My daughter was supposed to depart on a bus at 6:15 p.m. We arrived at the bus depot at 5:45. At 7 the bus still had not arrived. I called the toll free number because I realized that she may miss the connecting but in Seattle. They told me she may miss it and would have to catch the next but at 6:45 a.m the next day!!! The bus arrived at 7:05. Two beligerent, creepy looking men gave the bus driver a hard time because he wasn't the "north bound" bus...When they finally stopped I approached the driver and explained that my daughter needed to catch the bus in Seattle and would he make it. He was rude. VERY rude. "Get on the bus if you are going." I explained again my concern about my daughter being stuck in Seattle and asked if he thought they would make the connection. He said "I don't know. If you are going, get on" OMG. I haven't been so pissed of in such a short amount of time - HE was late and being a complete ASS to me - a mother just trying to ensure my daughter didn't get stranded. I said "lets go" and we got in the car to drive to Seattle in an attempt to reach the connection in time.

We arrived in Seattle at 7:46 - the bus was due to have departed at 7:40 - I rushed to the front of the line of smelly tired looking would-be passengers to ask if the bus to Portland had yet departed...a man pointed and said "thats it and thats the driver behind you". With seconds to spare my daughter got on the bus with a very nice, kind and knowing driver who reassured me he would take care of her and make sure she got there safe. What a stressful few hours! I will NEVER EVER use the bus line again.

I just talked to her - she has yet to arrive in Portland and her ticket shows they are supposed to depart from Portland right now - AFTER a 30 minute lay over. They are late - no question about it - I just hope she will be able to get some sleep before the 5:00 a.m. arrival. She will be soooo tired when she arrives.

It was my first official work from home day - that was quiet a great experience. We went to run a few errands - and got stuck in a fatality crash in I5 and didn't get half of the errands done.

So as of today we are kidless for a week! holy crap. I don't know what to do with myself already.

It should be bed time. I'm going to work that way now.

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Another 50th Birthday!!

Our friend also turned 50 - on the 3rd and we hosted a party for her. Pics are here:

I think a great time was had by all - conversation ranged from waxing, to Caberets, to first dates and no butts!!

My son is officially in Canada - as of yesterday - I miss him already - its so different when only one child is at home. I don't know WHAT I'll do when they are both gone for a week!!

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Thursday, July 05, 2007


Willie needs to retire. I enjoyed the concert and it was my 15 year old daughters first concert - I won't tell her I was 15 when I went to my first concert, but it wasn't with my folks!! Styx in Anchorage, AK right before I conceived her!!! It was hot and overpriced - at least the camping and concessions, but my friend drove all the way from Oregon to join us and that was great!!

What is it about bowels that mean you don't take a crap while you are gone but the moment you step into your own house you gotta!~! Crazy!!

I have a friend moving in this week who needs a temporary place to lay her head. That should be intersting....Work tommorow and then a weekend. Too bad I dont' have the day off!!

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

It worked!

It was a pain in the a$$ but with the help of our friends we actually managed to SUPRISE Matt for his 50th birthday. Here are some pictures of the great birthday bash we had!

This was yesterday - some of the photos are from today - his ACTUAL birthday day - we rode quads in the yard with friends, worked on the fence more for the horse, had a nice dinner with friends and I even managed to go horse back riding for a bit.

Short week with the 4th and the concert - will have to work hard to make up for the time off! :)

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Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm home

I'm home tonight. Very glad to be back. Glad I went, but glad to be back too. To get off the plane and not be blasted with HOT desert air was a nice change.

It was good to see my husband and the kids after a whole week being gone. Though this was more an emergency visit I did manage to get some time with my dear friend from grade school who lives in beatiful Prescott Arizona. I got to see more of the state on that one day then I thought I would. Plus my brother managed to drag his tired butt with me. While we didn't talk much, it was good to just BE with him for the day.

It's good to talk to friends and see where life has lead us. She is happy and has a wonderful husband, new family and friends.

I'm actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow if for no other reason but to make sure the world didn't fall apart without me! (EGO)

I'll catch up more with everyone later. thanks for listening.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I woke up Monday to an email from my mom. I got on a plane at 5:00 p.m. to Arizona to see my brother and my mom. Some of you know the situation - I'll spare the details for the rest of you.

Anyway - I'm really glad I'm here. I think (even though not everyone was happy to have me) that my being here is helpful. Or maybe its not - but I FEEL better. I haven't seen my mom in several years so the time with her is good. Its far from a vacation - and if anyone ever tells you its HOT in Arizona - believe them! It's 113 today and I think I'll melt at 115. Thank goodness for AC.

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